Thursday Nights are back!! Don’t forget to join your classroom every week for mandatory training. If you’re having difficulty joining your classroom you can get in touch with your level officer: 

We are going to keep you updated as we learn more information for our in-person return to operations. For now though, we don’t want anyone to be behind so we’ve started back via Google Classrooms on October 7th, and we have begun providing weekly attendance credit to all cadets who attend. This counts towards our merit list for promotions, summer training, awards and rewards. Note that only cadets who are registered members are able to attend training offered, including virtual training.

Fall Field Training Exercise (FTX)

October 16th & 17th 2021

As part of the mandatory program, cadets are invited to sign-up to experience an in-person Aircrew Survival Exercise. In addition to learning about survival, cadets will be benefit from teambuilding activities and leadership developmental opportunities all while respecting pandemic precautions. We ask that you read all of the details provided on the eventbrite page prior to signing up.

October 17th 12:30-16:00 – Level 1 cadets who have completed the registration process and all level 2 cadets signup link here 

October 16th 12:30-16:00 – Level 3 cadets signup link here

October 16th 08:00-12:00 – Level 4 cadets signup link here


Any cadet attending this fall FTX will have the opportunity to get measured and receive their Field Training Uniform and winter parka. No need to bring in your own measurements, staff on site will complete it and supply the cadets with what they have available. 


For our cadets who have been registered for ground school please check your emails, you should be receiving two emails. The first should be your login information; and the second should be from CI Larkin looking to confirm that you have received the first. If you are having problems or haven’t received the first please respond to CI Larkin so she can escalate to RCSU. 


If you know any 12-15 year old youth interested to join 75 Squadron, our registration process opened September 1st.

How to register:

1. Parents/guardians use this link to register on any device, by choosing 75 Barrhaven Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron;

2. Submitted forms will be received by Squadron staff, who will verify the information, and contact parents/guardians for proof of Canadian Citizenship and to present their health care cards.*

3. Once registered, an email will be sent with instructions on how the new cadet will be assigned to a group, and introduced to their supervising adult – a Level Officer, who will be their primary point of contact.

*To all the parents/guardians of interested cadets – we have had an unfortunate delay to our ability to process applications as this newly updated process is often blocked at the second step – we are unable to process registrations without having a photocopy of your health card and accepted proof of identification. Given that our physical venue isn’t accessible yet, there are two options available:

1. Drop them in an envelope marked “Attn: 75 Air Cadets – P.O. Box 34038” off at Shoppers Drug Mart’s Post Office, 3781 Strandherd by Home Depot; or,

2. Come see us and drop them off at the Farmers Market at the Nepean Woods Park & Ride from 10am to 2pm on two Sundays, October 10th or 24th.

3. We will be hosting an open “meeting” on Microsoft Teams, Friday October 15th 2021 from 18:30 – 20:30

    1. Link for Friday October 15th https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_ZTUzMTFjZWItMzFlNi00ZmE4LWI3YzAtOTFiNDFiMzZkNzg0%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22ab126afb-e60c-4e2f-b6cf-c7350c76dc84%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22a9b0a32c-4472-4736-8b72-06926176bd9b%22%7d

In addition, the following resources are available:

Online Registration Tool for Cadets – this page has information for parents that can support parents through the process for successful completion of the registration.

Online Registration FAQs for Parents – This page will grow as we receive more feedback from user’s experiences.


Annual Validations: As we begin the new year, returning cadets should expect to be contacted by their level officers to have all of their information verified. This will include but not limited to: Addresses, phone numbers, emails, parents contact information, as well as medical insurance information.

Detailed Health Questionnaire: Those of you who have previously needed to fill out the detailed health questionnaire will need to update the document, the administration team will send the document to the email on file for those cadets who do require it. Parents will need to fill out the document and mail it to:

ATTN: Medical Section
RCSU (Eastern)
PO Box 100 STN Bureau-Chef Richelain, Québec, Canada
J0J 1R0


As many of you may have heard, cadets will be migrating to Cadets365! As such, Teams will be our main platform for this training year. However, the region is still working on the onboarding of cadets to Cadets365. Cadets who are already set up with Teams are encouraged to use this as their primary email for the program. If you’re not set-up yet, don’t worry, until more cadets get onboarded to CDT365, we will continue to use Google Classroom, so keep an eye out for communications from your Level Officer, and we will keep you posted on your onboarding.