Important Announcements:

Summer 2021 Staff Cadet Applications

If you would like to apply to be a staff cadet at one of the summer training camps and you have not communicated with CI Gilbert or previously filled out this form. 

Please contact CI Chen at [email protected] no later than Friday, April 9th, 2021.

April Break Cadet Activity Program

24 cadets on a first-come, first served basis by sign-up will be selected to participate in this virtual march break activity called the Cadet Activities Program (CAP). 75 Squadron’s cadets will be paired with 51 Squadron in one group.

The virtual program will include fitness, geocaching or elemental (aviation-related) challenges and inspirational guest speakers. Please sign up here by end of day Friday, April 9th 2021

Virtual Minecraft Build Tournament

Be creative! Have fun!

Next Thursday, April 15 (19h-21h), we will be hosting a Minecraft Build Tournament!  Open to all levels. Teams will consist of 2-3 cadets and will be tasked to build an airplane. There will be a panel of judges who will announce the winning team.  Pre-requirements are: access to Discord (PC or Mac) and Minecraft JAVA edition. Sign up is required and closes Monday, April 12. Sign up here.

Do you have questions? Contact FSgt de Mora at [email protected] 

75 Squadron Fundraising

During recent months, you have seen various fundraising efforts from our Squadron which has generated some discussion, more specifically, to understand what our fundraisers are for. Many people believe that the cadet program is free. Although the program is offered at no cost to our youth, there are substantial costs to keep our operations up and running, especially during the pandemic. The intent of this letter is to provide further information and clarification for everyone through complete transparency.

To continue reading click here

Photos of Tag Days Fundraiser – 




There will be NO uniform issues or badge pickups this weekend, Saturday April 10th due to provincial lockdown. Supply activities will be updated here on a weekly basis

Optional Activities:

Virtual Marksmanship Activity

As communicated to your cadets on March 28th, we will have a fun and games type of workshop on April 11th from 1800 to 2100. Cadets will be playing games from 1800 to 1900 and then a movie will be streamed from 1900 to 2100. Cadets can either watch the movie or continue playing games. CI Charter and assistant coach Cpl Rossignol will supervise the sessions.

Cadets will receive the details for April 11th session once they have filled out this registration form.