Weekly Training Nights
Thursday October 6th 2022
Our training nights will continue on thursdays for all of our cadets, at Ecole Secondaire Pierre-De-Blois, 1310 Chapman Mills Dr, Nepean, Ontario, K2J 6L9.
Cadets who have yet to log in to their Cadets365 accounts will be contacted by someone in administration with details for their account (emails and generic passwords for initial log in) and get themselves onboarded. All cadets are now expected to be onboarded. Your Cadets365 account will be our main method of contact you, make sure you have access to it. Frequently Asked Questions/Answers can be found here.
Every year all of our returning cadets are required to confirm personal information via the Annual Validation form, each cadet is required to confirm this information, if you have not already validated your information please visit the Admin department to do so as soon as you can.
Drill team announcement 2022-2023
2022/2023 Drill team practices will be held on Monday’s at École secondaire publique Pierre-de-Blois, 1310 Chapman Mills Dr, Nepean from 1900hrs to 2100hrs. Practice on October 3rd has been CANCELLED. Our first practice will be held on Monday October 17th. Please wear comfortable civilian clothing and your cadet boots. If you do not have cadet boots please wear comfortable shoes.
Try outs for the competitive team will be held mid-late November, 2022. A firm date will be announced well in advance.
There is no minimum level to join drill. All are welcome. We look forward to seeing you!
If you have any questions or concerns please email [email protected] and [email protected]
How to wear your new uniform

Detailed Health Questionnaires
Some parents may have received an email regarding DHQ’s, these documents MUST be submitted as soon as possible. Failure to return these documents will result in your cadet(s) not being allowed to participate in any activity including weekly training nights. If you received an email with these documents please fill them out and return them to our administration department as soon as possible.
New Cadet Applications
If you know any 12-15 year old youth interested to join 75 Squadron, we invite you to join us on September 15th at Ecole Secondaire Pierre-De-Blois, 1310 Chapman Mills Drive, Nepean, Ontario, K2J 6L9.
How to register:
1. Parents/guardians use this link to register on any device, you will then receive a generic confirmation email;
2. Submitted forms will be received by Squadron staff, who will verify the information, additional documents (identification card and health insurance documents) should be submitted in person on thursday night training, starting on September 15th 2022, however if there is a scheduling conflict preventing parents from bringing in the documents please email us at [email protected] and we will provide an alternate method;
3. Once registered, new cadets will be introduced to their training level, including a staff member – a Level Officer, who will be their primary point of contact for the training year. The level one officer is Civilian Instructor Gupta and can be reached for everyday questions at [email protected]
Health card expiry
Reminder to all of our cadets and parents/guardians that provincial extension of health card renewal ends at end of September 2022 per https://news.ontario.ca/en/release/1001570/ontario-extending-health-card-renewal-requirement
75 Squadron 2022-2023 Photo Album
You can find our squadron photo album here. You can now see photos of our Abseil activity from a couple weeks ago with more activities to come throughout the year.
Squadron Canteen
Our canteen will be open starting September 15th 2022 during the break. All cadets are welcome to bring some pocket money and buy themselves a snack or a drink during break!
Online Ground School 2022-2023
Are you interested in applying for the Glider Pilot or Power Pilot programs for the summer of 2023? You must 16 years old for Glider and 17 years old for power. Please fill out the form here
Band 2022-2023
Are you interested to perform in one of our national award-winning ensembles?
Brass & Reed (Marching and concert Band)
Pipes & Drums (“Scottish” heritage ensemble)
Highland Dancing
If you are interested or have questions about the Band progrma, please contact Major Jean-François Lambert, 75 & 742 Band Programs at [email protected]
Squadron Online Kit Shop
You can find bags, toques, polos, hoodies, jackets and pants, right here in our squadron kit shop! Come take a look, order online, and find all of the 75 Squadron swag you’ve always wanted!
If anyone has any questions please feel free to email us at [email protected]