Introduction: The Montreal Cadet Training Sector [includes Ottawa] will conduct fun and safe activities related to the delivery of the Cadet Training Program, without overnight stays, between 5 July and 13 August 2021, in order to stimulate the retention of cadets while respecting the measures public health and government alert levels. These efforts seek to provide our youth members with the cadet experience while promoting maximum participation (cadets & staff cadets) in a completely safe environment.
Timings. The activities will take place from 0830 hrs to 1630 hrs for week-long Cadet Activity Programs (CAPs).
Training in a COVID context. The conduct of operations will be asymmetrical and adapted from one area to another according to the evolution of the pandemic. The current plan calls for indoor activities not exceeding 16 people per bubble. For outdoor activities, the number of people per bubble is 26. The plan will be agile, flexible and adjusted according to the guidelines and PHMs for each zone.
Travel. Cadets will be expected to travel to the assembly site daily and return home in the late afternoon by their own means (with their parents or with available public transportation)
Dress. Cadets and staff will wear the Field Training Uniform or sportswear when appropriate;
Non-Medical Masks (NMM). Cadets and staff will be required to bring their own mask
Meals. Cadets and staff are responsible for bringing their own lunch (cold), snacks and bottled water.
Joining instructions. Specific sites instructions addressed to cadets, parents and staff will be send out at least 14 days prior to the beginning of activities.
75 Squadron has 3 available weeks where you can sign up –
July 19th – 23rd 2021 – sign up here
July 26th – 30th 2021 – sign up here
August 9th – 13th 2021 – sign up here