Cadet Training Stand Down
There will be no cadet training this Thursday due to the March break. Thursday training will resume January 23, 2023.
Outdoor Footwear at Pierre de Blois High School
All cadets are not to wear outdoor shoes to cadets and will be expected to arrive with two pairs of footwear (outdoor and indoor). There will be a designated area for cadets to change from their outdoor to indoor footwear. There will be consequences for cadets who do not follow this direction that include not being allowed into the gymnasium area and being sent home.
Pick ups and Drop Offs – Thursday Night Training
For all Parents and Guardians that are dropping off and picking up cadets. Drop off time is at 6:30 and Pick up time is at 9:30. Please keep in mind we do not have access to the school until 6:30, also please make sure to pick up your cadets at 9:30 and no later as we no longer have access to the school.
Upcoming Activities
Please consult the squadron calendar on our website for details (i.e. sign up, transportation etc.) for upcoming general and optional team activities.
While we understand that situations may unexpectedly arise from time to time, we expect that parents pick up their child in a timely manner from all cadet activities per their respective timings.
Summer Training
Summer training opportunities and registration details by training level are as follows:
- Level 1 Cadet Activities Program – This is the only course Level 1 cadets are eligible to participate in. The registration deadline is March 31, 2023.
- Level 2 Cadet Activities Program – This is the only course Level 2 cadets are eligible to participate in. The registration deadline is March 31, 2023.
Squadron Skating Activity
We have rented the rink at Minto Rec for our cadets on March 19, 2023 from 2:15 to 415 PM! Sign up here to participate in this activity.
C7 Marksmanship Familiarization
Level 4 cadets that are 16 years of age as of April 1, 2023 are eligible to participate in a C7 Marksmanship Familiarization activity on April 1, 2023. There are limited spots, interested cadets are to sign up here.
Interested in joining 75?
New cadets can register to join our squadron using the following link. Please direct questions to
75 & 742 Band Programs are accepting new members!
Are you interested in performing in one of our national award-winning ensembles?
Check our Brass & Reed info sheet to learn more about our Marching and concert Band!
Check our Pipes & Drums info sheet to learn more about our “Scottish” heritage ensemble!
Check our Highland Dancing info sheet to learn more about our newest addition to the Band Programs!
Questions? LCol Jean-François Lambert, 75 & 742 Band Programs,
If there are changes to a cadets medical and/or personal information please direct them as soon as possible to
If you are planning to leave 75 Squadron or transfer to another unit, please contact us so that we me may close your membership accordingly.
For any cadet who does not have access to their Cadet365 and or is having account issues, please contact with your name, rank, and level and he will provide you with a teams link.
Cadets are to return DEU (Blue) uniforms that don’t fit starting. This will allow Supply to have enough blue uniforms to issue in the coming months.
Reminder that uniform parts are provided free of charge, but on loan for the duration of your membership in the cadet program, therefore they must be returned when exchanging them for another size or when leaving the Squadron.
For new cadets, you will be measured during training nights, and will be receiving your FTU a few weeks into the training year. Should you have any questions, please contact the Supply Officer, Capt Tessier (
Please consult the supply section of our website for further information/details
Squadron Online Kit Shop
You can find bags, toques, polos, hoodies, jackets and pants, right here in our squadron kit shop! Come take a look, order online, and find all of the 75 Squadron swag you’ve always wanted!